Tuesday, 20 August 2013

5 secrets not worth sharing

Dont ever share them

Everyone has some secrets whether good or bad but the truth is, there are some you can share and there are others that are not worth sharing. For starters what exactly is a secret anyway? Well simply put, something you don't want anybody ever finding out even if you really had to tell somebody. There are simple secrets and on the other hand the top rated secrets. Lets get down to business, here's some good advice for you, never share these to anyone.

5 Secrets you shouldn't share

1. Where your third cheque comes from; We are not saying it is wrong sharing where you earn your money to anybody but the truth is, if you reveal all your financial information to everybody including those "by the way" money generating activities, you will find that you will be giving free information to people who will use it to build you or to bring you down. Heres some good advice for you, let it stay a secret.

2. Whose spouse you have a crush on; Sometimes we are just human and for whatever reason even if we dont mean to we may fall into the trap of being infatuated with someone who is already Married. As all crushes, they soon die but heres some very strong advice for you, NEVER EVER TELL ANYBODY HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT THEM!!

3. How you develop your product; If you are a business man or woman and have developed a product with a unique formula or unique make-up which people in the world just love, don't ever share that information with anybody.....especially not your competitors. Unless you are thinking of losing your bearing, sharing such information especially in your early stages of development can only mean disaster.

4. What negative things you think of somebody; Everybody has their own negative thoughts about almost everybody whether we like it or not. Don't always give into the idea of "speak your mind out" unless you are looking for trouble, you would rather keep that a secret. Ofcourse, you can be honest to a true friend but not to an aquintance.

5. Whom you have ever loved; Losing a first love can be horrible but telling it to your spouse is even more horrible. Heres some good advice for you, if you are still in Love with your first Love and think it is wise to tell it to your spouse, unless he/she is from a different planet you are just looking for trouble. In most cases it isnt worth it.


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