Your world of Friends
You obviously have alot of friends whom you regularly communicate and interact with on an almost daily basis. Imagine life without genuine friends whom you can lean on for comfort, company and love. Many think having a friend should always be people of the same age group but the truth is, you can have friends of all kinds of ages as long as they build you for the better good. Ofcourse, good is defined by different people in different ways but the Best Advice to choosing the right friends is to have friends who will help you in your journey through life in a positive way. Anyway that's a topic on its own however, you can enjoy communication with friends by using the Email, here is some Best Advice on how to do that.Good Advice in Using the Email to Communicate
You may be asking why the email when there is all kinds of easier ways to communicate such as the phones SMS and other kinds of easier ways. Well the truth is, the Email is really a sweet way to communicate with your friends. You know when using the phones SMS, you are typing in short text messages which sometimes are too short that they don't really make sense sometimes, but when you use the email it is as if you are writing a well thought out letter that actually improves your heartfelt interaction with your friends. Remember friends can be anybody from your own parents, colleagues at work or people you regularly interact with. The email is also quit cheap if you come to think of it and many find delight in using such services to actually reach out to a whole list of people they know without the inconvenience of trying to play around with your phone and take so much time trying to locate people you want to send sweet messages to. Sending Emails to friends and family is basically easy. What are some features on Gmail that make sending emails so much fun? The Best Advice to this is, whether you are new or old to Google's Gmail service you can enjoy a wide array of features that make communicating with your friends more enjoyable. Did you know that on Gmail you could also enjoy video chat....Please see this Link.Thoughtful messages to Send to Friends through Email
There are many situations that call for you to write an email to your friends, some of them are pretty straightforward while others may be very, very sensitive. It is always advisable to weigh the two...However you will be amazed in whichever situation there is, your email can still be thoughtful. Lets look at some of those situations shall we.1. Congratulations Message; Lets say your close friend just got promoted or graduated from University how do you write your email?
Hi Davis,
Congratulations on a job well done, you deserved it. We should get together to celebrate!
Alexander Advice
2. Apology Message; Lets say you offended your close friend and it just hasn't been possible to really tell him/her how sorry you are, how do you write this?
Dear Davis,
Writing this letter to you isn't easy and I feel heartbroken and ashamed over what I did. I know you don't want to talk to me ever again but please extend forgiveness to me because I didn't mean to do what I did.
Forgive me !
Alexander Advice
3. Motivation Message; Lets say you would like to motivate one particular friend who has just gone through a very serious problem, Just how do you write it?
Dear Davis,
Being in your shoes is really hard but you should know that despite the many problems you are facing you will definitely make it. You will be the best and nothing will get in your way no-matter what.
If you need anyone to talk to please don't hesitate to call me!
Alexander Advice
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