You have a serious Crush, dont you?
Everybody one time or another will have a crush in their lives. What exactly is a crush? Well lets put it this way..Imagine everyday when you you go for work you have to interact with a boss of yours who happens to be the opposite sex. As time goes on you start developing strong feelings for him/her which eventually results in you thinking about them daily, minutely, secondly and all the time. You can't sleep at night and you certainly cannot eat, that is a crush. The point is, a Crush is an interesting experience especially if you have it for the first time. But make no mistake about it, it isn't necessarily love but it could lead to that area soon. Heres some good advice for you, deal with your crushy feelings right here right now.Dealing with your burning feelings
A crush certainly can make you lose your mind and that is only the small part of it, when it escalates too far you might find yourself making the wrong decisions. Take for instance from the example of your boss...Your boss may have completely no idea that you have a crush on him/her but will only observe you acting so nervously around them. Not only that, the quality of your work will be affected , your interaction with others will also slow down and you may actually look depressed. That is certainly a sad scene indeed, isn't it? But lets look at the brighter side, what good can you derive from actually controlling your feelings?Did you know that sometimes we have a crush on the wrong people? Yes that is very true and to make matters worse, if you got Married to them you would just end up living a miserable life. Here is some good advice for you, by controlling your feelings you will be able to first get to know the person you actually want to start dating. Instead of rushing to them, you will first wait to establish whether they are actually the right people for you. Another thing is by controlling your feelings it will be so much easier for you to concentrate on more important matters in life that really needs urgent attention. Learning to control your feelings will also enable you to become more mature and you wont easily be offended or jealous if you saw your crush with another person of the opposite sex.
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