Sunday, 25 August 2013

Deciding whether to Commit

Marriage requires your full committment

Often times people see Marriage as a walk in a park with so many perfect things to look forward to. While Marriage may provide that, the truth is an honest reality check tells you Marriage requires alot of Commitment. What exactly is commitment? Commitment is basically a promise to stick to one person and be devoted to making the Marriage work. So in a nut shell, when you committ to one person you lose some of the personal freedoms you would have had, had you been single. Lets look at some of those freedoms shall we. Heres some good advice for you, read on.

Personal freedoms missed because of committment

1. Time; When you are single you are free to do almost anything you really want, but when you get Married your time is not 100% yours but also has to be shared with your wife or husband and with your kids.

2. Resources; Apart from time, being committed to your partner will also require you to share some of your income from work in order to see the family grow.When you are single you can use your resources any how you want but when you get Married you have to consult how the limited finances should be used or spent for the family.

3. Personal goals; When you are single you have the opportunity to achieve most of the meaningful goals which are important without being really hindered with the task of caring for your family.

Making a decision to commit or not

If you want to get Married then you have to realize that commitment is all part of the vocabulary. However, Marriage is really a personal decision that people should individually make. When you make the decision to want to commit in Marriage you should be able to ask yourself whether thats what you really want? For example, knowing that you wont have some of the freedoms mentioned in the first place, would it be wise to get Married now, or better yet even date? Are there possibilities to postpone it until you are ready? Heres some good advice for you, considering these questions can save you alot of future disappointment.

In my own opinion it would be wise to perhaps start dating and get Married when you are ready to Commit to someone. Because the truth is commitment involves your time, your resources and even your sacrifices. So when you are really ready from your heart and when you feel so ready then you will have the energy and power to put full effort to making the relationship really work. Ofcourse there will always be problems along the way, but when you are ready for committment then you will simply face those problems head on. You will grab the bull by its horns.

Heres some good advice for you, make a decision to commits or not today!!


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