Your Mother In Law
You know how it is sometimes right?, when two people get married they aren't just Marrying themselves, but they are actually uniting two different families. Yes, sometimes you just have to yield to any kind of family member who comes your way, including the grumpy ones. Ofcourse, what better way to start your Marriage by inviting your Mother In law over for the holiday right? Oh, she forgot to mention that she has these mood swings that are out of this world. In my opinion, it isnt such a bad idea..........Or is it? Heres some good advice for you, read on.Trying to Cope
As a woman of a house for example, you know how much your husband loves his Mother but you feel you just cant bear the way you are treated when shes around. Shes always bossing you around, telling you how her son loves food to be cooked in a certain way, always harassing you and bulling. If you do something wrong it becomes BBC news. Ofcourse this example is a little bit exagerated, most Mother in laws are not too extreme. But the question is how do you cope if you are in such a situation?For starters, you have to understand that your spouse loves the Mother especially if his a man. I dont know what it is about men and their mothers.Anyway. The thing is, you don't want to hurt your spouses feelings by overreacting. Secondly, try to talk to your souse about it in a calm manner not showing any personal grudges that can make people come to the wrong conclusion about you. Thirdly, you need to be friends with your Mother in law and not try to push her away. Actually, come to think of it...You two should be allies instead of ruthless enemies.
When you try to follow these steps, it might just help you cope with the situation. But then, what if you have tried whatever you could but still nothing could work....Here is some good advice for you, trying to cope with such a situation would require some strong intervention from your spouse...REALLY.
Being friends with your Mother in law
Being friends with your Mother in law is the best choice or effort you can make to try to bring peace between the two of you. One best way to do this, is to take her out along for shopping. Or, both of you can enjoy some quality time doing stuff in the kitchen or gossiping about your spouse when he was little (only kidding). But the thing is you are simply trying to calm things down a little.When all is said and done, you may find that your Mother in law wont only be your best friend but you may actually begin to feel like shes your Mother. Heres some good advice for you, why not give it a shot.
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