Being efficient at Work can save you some energy
Imagine this scenario, you have to report for work everyday always feeling exhausted because the working environment is always mounting pressure on you each day. In short, you work so hard at the workplace that even people don't understand why you don't have the results you are looking for. You see, that's a similar experience which many employees, working environment colleagues and friends have to endure each and everyday because the work environment today is so vicious. The work environment isn't the way it used to be 15 to 20 years ago where you had so much to look forward to, less pressure and less problems. Today the workplace is just filled with so many challenges but here's some good advice for you you can enjoy the work environment by producing great results with least energy exerted..How so? You have to work hard work smart.Work Hard Work Smart...What does it mean??
As an employee in the working environment alot of things happen as you engage in your working activities which can either gain you hard earned points or cost you dearly. The point is, as an employee you have to work hard but work smart, you have to realize that surviving in the work environment doesnt purely depend on how much hard work you do but it also depends on how smart you are. There are alot of scenarios I can relate, however here is some good advice for you, all employees need to understand how to learn the ropes. Lets look at some scenarios where you have to work hard and work smart.1. Clash or Interest; Lets just say you are an employee who works so hard all the time and all day. Everybody knows that you always meet deadlines and as an employee you never steal company time. Now suppose you have a very serious report you are trying to complete in order to beat a deadline, then suddenly out of the blues your supervisor assigns to you a task that he wants you to complete for him by the end of the day. being a smart employee, would it be smart to postpone the assignment from your boss for the sake of completeing your report and meeting your own personal deadline? Maybe it might look smart but the question you should be asking yourself as a smart employee are the following questions;
How important is your supervisors task?
What happens if I don't do the task promptly?
Heres some good advice for you, asking these preceding questions will enable you to weigh whether it is smart to simply postpone your supervisors emergency task or not.
2. Gossip; Gossip is so common at the place of work. You may be the best most hardworking employee the world has ever seen but if you are the biggest gossiper in the working environment, then you will soon realize that people wont really respect you. You see gossip in the workplace can build or destroy reputations. There is gossip you may hear which makes a person look bad but which is not necessarily true....Is it smart for you to spread the gossip to others? Have you thought of the consequences of such an action? heres some good advice for you, think about the consequences.
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