Saturday, 3 August 2013

Managing your time wisely

Why Time is seemingly insufficient?

Every minute in this world matters so much that you can't just afford to let time pass you by like wind blowing soothingly on pretty flowers. Everyday you wake up and do your daily activities, it is so obvious how fast the day passes by without really achieving what you really wanted. It is so common this time around to hear people say these following phrases "Time is Short!" "Time Fly's" "Time is never there". You know as the world keeps getting busier and busier, it is no wonder that time seems so insufficient. You have a job to accomplish, then a second job and then a third job. If you are married you have kids to take to school and bills to pay, you have to do alot of running up and down to settle matters quickly and possibly try to secure the future. Not forgetting, your Love Life. Everything just seems to be falling down on you like an avalanche. However, wanna hear some good advice? we can bit this time bomb with the right skills and methods. Read on folks!

Balancing Time is Key

There is not a doubt that it is very important to balance all your activities wisely if you are really going to achieve using the seemingly limited time that we have to face each and everyday effectively. We have 24 hours in a day and everyday you need to have atleast 6- 8hours of rest leaving you with only 16 hours in a day to work with. If you do the math correctly, out of this 16 hours you have 8hours left for your first job and the rest of the other 8hours for other staff. How do you manage only 8 hours of the other staff. Here is some good advice below that can help you successfully handle your 8 hours properly;

1. Prioritize; It is always vital that as an individual you are able to distinguish what is more important than the other. When prioritizing, you are obviously going to allocate more time to that which is highly important and least time to that which isn't so important. That is good advice to balancing your time properlly.

2. Scheduling; If you are always complaining on how limited time is, it is possibly because you haven't really devoted some energy in formulating some kind of schedule on how you are going to spend your day. There is so much technology and tools out there that help schedule your day effectively. You can use your phone to plan your day or even your own notbook or laptop. But the point is you want to define the activities that you will undertake and the time that should be allocated to each activity. That is definitely some good advice to balancing your time properlly.

3. Cutting our Time Wasters; It is similar to the prioritizing pointer except that in this one, you are simply elliminating activities that are completely not important in your case.

The ideal Daily Schedule

In my opinion, the ideal daily time schedule should be the kind that really helps you derive great satisfaction. For starters, every person should have at least 6-8 hours of rest each and everyday. Why is that important? Sleep is so important for your body and sacrificing a few hours just to accomplish some work activities can really mean ruin to your health. After spending your 8hours doing your first job, the rest of the day can be planned in such a way that you have time for family and friends, privacy and additional responsibilities. Lets talk about these three activities in detail shall we.

1. Time with Family and Friends; This should be prioritized as the most important activity after you end the day from work. You see people, the world is a busy place but that shouldn't mean that family and friendship should be sacrificed. If you are married person, being with your spouse is always important. Better yet, if you have children, you really wan't to be a part of their growth processs and get to really know them well. In my opinion, you should spend atleast 4 hours on family and friends daily. Thats just me.

2. Privacy;  You need some private time to yourself, and that's really important for you and for others as well. You want to reflect on how you have fared during the day and how you handled life's pressures. Privacy time can be used to read your favorite novels, play a guitar or something, exercise or take a walk. You just need privacy, every human does. In my opinion you should spend 2 hours on that daily or even an hour and a half.

3. Additional Responsibilities; Then comes the last 2 hours of the day which you can use to keep track with reality and take on additional important responsibilities. In my opinion, you should know the additional responsibilities which you may need to take up.

The Best Advice and Sound Advice is, you want to balance your day properly. Balance entails not overdoing just one particular thing but realizing that you also have other social matters to take care of as well as private matters. Don't neglect yourself and don't neglect your sleep. Take this good advice folks!


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