Saturday, 28 September 2013

5 signs you are in a toxic friendship

Don't say you weren't warned

Making friends is really a reality we all have to go through in life. But, not any kind of friend is a good friend because the truth is, you need somebody who will really build in you good qualities. Heres some good advice for you, that is fact. But what really is a friendship that is toxic? What can you do to get out of it or correct the problem? Lets get into this further shall we.

A toxic friendship

When you hear the word toxic, what exactly jets into your mind? Well in my opinion toxic could mean poisonous, bad, hurtful, irritating and the list goes on. But you see sometimes it isn't always easy to tell whether your current friendship is actually leading into something even more bad. But whatever the case, hears some good advice for you,... there are exactly 5 characteristics of toxic relationships. Wanna know?

1. Selfish intentions; Believe it or not some people out there only want to become your friend simply because they can gain something selfish out of it. We are not talking about gaining time and companionship because those are obvious things everybody needs in a relationship. But for selfish reasons, usually after they get what they want they will simply toss you away.

2. Unforgiving; Friends will make small and somtimes big mistakes but at the end of the day, if there is no room to iron out those differences, most times that can really make the relationship toxic.

3. Jealousy; True friends shouldn't be jealous of each others achievements, talents, relationships and other things in life that possibly make them seem better. Actually, real friends will always be happy of their friends progress in life. Ofcourse because we are all human, sometimes that feeling of jealousy can grow in us like wild fire. However, if this jealousy is left unchecked it could lead to really serious consequences. As in Really!

4. Competition; If two friends are always competing with each other to see who is actually better than the other,That can really be very toxic to friends.

5. Bad influence; If you are friends with somebody who influences or makes you do something bad which is clearly wrong then that friendship could be toxic. You see, true and good friends should build you up positively and not pull you down. Heres some good advice for you, true friends wouldn't want you making the wrong decisions in life.

Getting out of it

Getting out of a toxic friendship or continuing to be in one is purely a personal decision. But you really have to weigh matters carefully and see whether this is taking you anywhere or not. Ofcourse, if there is a problem you see, you wont automatically run away. Lets say the problem is that your friend doesn't seem to have a good influence on you, then what do you do? Well for starters, there is nothing wrong with ironing out the matter together. However, in my opinion if after repeated counsel your dear friend doesn't change then there might be need to make a decision. Hers some good advice for you, its your call. See ya!


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