Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Getting what you want

Preparing your mind for action

There may be meaningful things you have always wanted to achieve. Ofcourse meaningful things is defined differently by different people but heres some good advice for you, in my opinion there is only one meaningful thing that I know..Wanna Know???? Am not going to tell you. However, apart from that..you may have wanted to achieve something but soon realize that not one goal you wanted so bad has turned out to be a success. There is no need to remain in that state anymore because now is the time to remove all those doubts and prepare your mind for action. Here is some good advice for you, you can make it work...today!!

Making your goals a reality

1. What do you really want? You have to ask yourself what you really want and how you are going to get there. Did you know that sometimes we want things that are not very important? Things that will just steal our lives away from people who are close to us and possibly ruin our reputation. Those should be avoided. But ofcourse, thats just my opinion. What we are saying here is that you should clearly define what you want and make sure you understand what you want and what is involved in getting to that point at all.

2. Take action; Alot of times people know what they want but they never take action. Seating comfortable on you couch wont bring home results. For example, you may want employment and you know what kind of employment you really want. You have sent application letters to practically every place but still haven't received any response. Yes we know that finding a job is always tricky business but you have to go a step further. You have to take action by making a follow-up on your application or by tactfully going to meet the human resource manager for an inquiry.

3. Embrace failure; You know what? A good proportion of failure is good for you. The reason is it provides some learning points and helps you realize where you went wrong and where you should make the necessary improvements. You need to accept defeat but never give up.

4. Get some help; There are people on this Earth who are willing to offer help. You may be surprised that some of these people can offer this help for absolutely free and wont ask for anything in return. They don't always have to be people we know, but even strangers. But when dealing with strangers there is always need for caution because you dont know them. However, the point is, people around you can give you the necessary push you need to get ever closer to your goals.

Making sure they are meaningful

When setting goals in life a lot of times we aim big which is not necessarily bad but here is some good advice for you, there is always need to ensure that your goals are meaningful. In a nut shell, goals shouldn't hurt your life, but should make you a better person and also bring you closer to friends and family. Remember one last thing, always protect your good reputation. All the best!!!


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