Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Starting your day on a bright note

Have you ever been a situation where you just wake up feeling more tired and exhausted than when you begun your sleep? Well that can happen to many people because the world we live in is just totally, totally busy. But look at the bright side, you can get rid of that exhausted feeling and that tired body of yours by just taking the necessary steps you need to take. I personally am not a medical practitioner but through my own personal experience these are some of the steps you can take. Heres some good advice for you, READ ON!!

Steps to beginning your day on a bright note

1. Have a good nights sleep; Ofcourse this is obvious but let me just mention that most of the times because of our busy schedules we tend to get so exhausted but at the same time we keep forcing our bodies to do the work we need to do. Heres some good advice for you, every person needs atleast 8 hours of sleep because that is the ideal situation.

2. Drink alot of water; Water is one of those special substances in life that has a purifying effect on your body. In my opinion, I think its the best liquid to start your day or end it because when you drink it you definitely feel refreshed. There is need to drink atleast a 5 cups of water everyday and there is no negotiation about that, you just have to force yourself to drink.

3. Do exercise; If you can exercise everyday that could be really commendable. However, why is exercise so important anyway, well by exercising you are allowing blood circulation to be quickened as a result making your bodies healthy. Have you ever noticed how different you feel after a good days exercise? Well that even gives you an opportunity to have a good nights sleep and consequently start your say on a bright note.

4. Wake up early; Try by all means to begin your day on an early note, and if you so happen to be near the coast or sea, breath the early morning breeze and feel the cool air blanket your entire body. In my opinion, that could be fantastic to starting your day on a good note.

5. Eat the right food; You know alot of times we want to run to junk food, carbonated drinks, beers e.t.c However, did you know that if you eat right you can actually enjoy a good nights sleep and thus wake up on a brighter note. Try to have a meal that has fruits and vegetables. If you need additional advice on this, ask specialist in dieting, you will be amazed at what foods you will find beneficial to you.

Heres some good advice for you, following these tips may not give you a perfect solution but will certainly give you the health you need to begin your day on bright note. All the best!!!


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