Monday, 2 September 2013

Warning signs you are being played

Protect yourself from disappointment

The feeling people have when they find out that they were being taken for a ride all this time can be really heartbreaking. If only they knew the warning signs it probably would have been just a little bit easier. The reality people is this, there are people out there who just don't take dating seriously but see it as a moment to engage in aimless fun. The problem is, when the other date finds out they were being played then it can be really embarrassing and hurtful. Heres some good advice for you, you have to learn the warning signs in order to avoid being really crushed if you find out the truth. But first, lets look at why it hurts so much when you find out you were being played.

Why it hurts so bad

Basically that is so obvious because when you come to think of it, even if you didn't really have feelings for a date or not, the thing is being played just isn't right at all. One reason why it hurts so bad is because people who were dating, obviously start to develop strong feelings and hardly ever think that their fellow date is a cheat and wasn't taking things seriously the whole time. Another reason why it hurts so bad is because when you come to think of all the investment you have made to relationship in terms of time, money and energy spent it just tears your heart that your feelings were being toyed around.

Warning signs he/she is playing you

1. Atitude towards the opposite sex; Whenever you find that your date is always found with the opposite sex, he/she is actually cheating on you or has the potential to do it. The truth is, spending time with opposite sex is not wrong at all but if he/she does it at the expense of being with you...Then there is a problem. Heres some good advice for you, dont say you were never warned.

2. They never really tell you the truth; Most times they don't really tell you the truth about who they were talking to and why they spend most of their time talking to someone of the opposite sex. You know how it is, they will try and cook up a series of excuses only trying to make you believe they are telling the truth. Sometimes you may be overeacting but in most cases if this atitude is continueing on for a very long time then you are definitely being played.

3. You constantly hear negative reports about them; When people come to you and give you negative reports about your date, dont easily run into conclusions. But if you want to know the truth here is some good advice for you, sometimes negative reports can mean something. Don't easily get swayed with you strong love emotions you have, wake up to reality and consider the possibility that you are being cheated or played. You gotta believe it.

Dealing with the truth

Toying with somebody's feelings is really a sad thing but the truth is some people don't always do it intentionally but most do. Here is some good advice for you, deal with it. If you allow the action of another person to rob you of the happiness you should be enjoying, you will soon realize that life wont be meaningful and you will constantly be feeling sorry for yourself. There are two things you can do if you find out the truth, either give him/her a second chance or find somebody new. The choice is yours.

All the best!!!


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