Monday, 9 December 2013

In a relationship, but thiking of someone else

A dicey situation

Alright, you are in a relationship already and have been dating someone for quit sometime now to the point that the two of you are considering wedlock. However, for some unknown reason which you cannot understand you are always thinking of somebody else of the opposite sex, and I mean always. When you are at your home you are thinking of them, when you are on the phone you are thinking of them  and when you are doing whatever other thing you do, you are thinking of someone else. Just what is the problem? Well heres some good advice for you, you need to dig deeper into your emotions.

Why you cant stop thinking of them

Thinking about somebody else could be normal since we are only human but it could also signal a number of things about your life and about your circumstances. In my opinion, there could be three reasons why you think of somebody else all the time and I mean all the time. Heres some good advice for you, see the reasons below;

1. they remind you of somebody; Well ofcourse this is a lame reason but think of it, sometimes we meet people in this world who remind us of people we used to interact with a few years back and it gives you good memories. Well heres some good advice for you, there is always something we can learn from others.

2. You like them; Yes, this could be the most common reason somebody thinks of somebody else even when they are in a relationship. When you like somebody it could be because of fine qualities you have noticed in that person which ofcourse makes you feel drawn to them. Maybe those are qualities you dont see in your current relationship and somehow you slowly start drifting apart. Scary but true.

3. You love them; After liking that other person for a long time you soon begin to develop real feelings for that person which eventually turns into love.

Handling your emotions

You know, it is common to like somebody else even when you are in a relationship. However, you need to ask yourself these following questions before deciding to take any drastic action.

- Is breaking up really the right thing to do considering what we have been through all these years?
- How long have I known the other person and how long have I known the current one?
- Are there serious concerns in the current relationship that warrants for a break up or is just my desire for somebody else which can easily go away if not real?
- Is my love real and genuine?
- Does the other person feel the same way?
- Have I just considered love and emotion as the only qualifier, or have I also considered other important qualities that make for a successful relationship in the other person I so desire?
- Do I see myself married to the other person more the current one in a few years time, or am I just fantasizing things off with the other?

These are just a few questions you can ask yourself. However, heres some good advice for you you make the choices and have to pay the price for them good or bad. All the best!!!


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