Tuesday, 13 August 2013

The art of selling yourself

What people want to see

In the environment we live in today, people want to be around others who bring out good in them. When you are in the working world or any other place, the way you sell yourself to others can either bring you positive results or make you fail miserably. Heres some good advice for you, you can learn the art of selling yourself.

The art of selling yourself

Selling yourself is all about getting others to see your fine, valuable qualities and impacting positively on the minds of people. This is important in job interviews, because in an interview you want to leave a lasting impression on the panel so that you are possibly picked for the rare position. However, selling yourself can also be applied in everyday situations. This advice blog is not saying that you have to blow your trumpet and draw all the attention to yourself, but what this advice blog is saying is that you can impact positively on others around you. In short, you can be somebody people genuinely like to be around with. In my opinion. that is a good thing. Here are some good advice tips to selling yourself in a positive way;

1. Be positive; Believe it or not, people dont want to be around people who are always negative about everything from the bad food, bad economy, bad salary, bad relationship..bad everything. Everyday a person wakes up from bed, they are looking forward to a wonderful day infront of them and so the last thing they want to hear is bad news. So whenever you around people, always be positive and speak positive. Ofcourse this advice blog is not saying you should not be from this world but just dont try to spoil anyones day.

2. Look positive; Don't look dull or depressed each time you walk past somebody, unless you have a good reason to. You can start by looking positive in the cloths you wear, the way you walk, the way you talk and even the way you smile. Heres some good advice for you, always look positive by putting up a good smile on yourself.

3. Show some energy; When you walk into the office, people should see some life in you. When you talk or have a conversation or even laugh, there should definitely be some energy. When this advice blog says energy we are just saying you should show some life in you. Make yourself seem bright and ready for anything.

Whenever you sell yourself in these three ways you can be assured of some positive results. Lets look at two situations you can sell yourself effectively;

Two situations to sell yourself

1. Job Interview; When you go for a job interview you want to leave a lasting impression on the minds of the panel. First things first, when you enter the room you should enter in a convincing but modest way. Try to speak clearly and respond to questions as they come. Don't be too serious, smile when it is appropriate to smile and be serious when you have to be serious. Make sure you show to the interviewer panel that you are the best person for the job.

2. Selling a product; When selling a product you definitely have to look your best. You definitely have to speak clearly and to the point. Don't exaggerate the products attributes but simply explain to the customer how useful it is and how it has helped others. Always put on a smile and even when you don't receive the best response, don't show your dissappointment.


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