Wednesday, 21 August 2013

The Value of Teachers

Every parents best friend

If you are a parent you will realize how valuable your children are in your lives and the whole idea of entrusting them to total strangers is a great sacrifice indeed. Believe it or not, teachers in the education system can actually be your best friend. Teachers spend most of the valuable time with your children and for good reason, they want to help you provide some education to your child which is essential to their normal development. Heres some good advice for you, you can actually develop a level of trust with these teachers.

How to develop trust

As a parent you will surely realize how important the teachers role is in seeing your child receive some level of education which you probably would have wanted to give them yourself if you had the chance. In the teaching world, a lot of times teachers will spend ample time to get to know each child in the classroom including yours. Ofcourse, these professionals will not 100 % know everything about the children they teach but because of some interest they show they can be able to see the strengths and weaknesses in the children.

As parents, you will surely like to know details about your children which they only exhibit at school and never at home. Teachers sometimes can be the best people to find out whether your child is actually well behaved, serious at school or is really what parents think about them. However, sometimes because parents put so much trust in their children's words they simply totally ignore the words of the teacher. While this may be okay, putting too much trust in your children can also be a bad thing. There is need to have a balanced approach in handling issues to do with a child's bad behavior, poor performance or attitude as you will surely see that it might have some long term benefits.

Teachers advice is quit useful sometimes especially if that particular teacher is well reported on, has a good reputation and through your personal assessment seems friendly. Ofcourse not all teachers are the same, some just hate children or even their jobs. But as parents you can be able to tell whether this is a teacher you can put your trust in or not. So how do you actually develop trust in a teacher? heres some good advice for you..see the tips below.

-When a teacher wants to see you make sure you fulfill their request
-Feel free to always ask the teacher why your child is under performing
-Attend meetings organized by the school as this may offer you an opportunity to really get to understand the environment

Good advice to helping your child

After having a private conversation with a teacher and being briefed on your child's performance, you can actually use that information to help your own child. If your child is under performing at school the first thing you want to know is why. A teacher may offer some observations about your child some of them you will believe and others you wouldn't. But the point is, will you act on some of the suggestions offered by the teacher or you will just put it under the table? We shouldn't quickly conclude that the school isn't giving your child the best education, maybe try to act on some of the suggestions and see whether there will be any changes.

Heres some good advice for you, as you entrust your child to a teacher you can make the teacher your best friend and both parents and the teacher will see the advancement of the child together. All the best!!


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