Sometimes it just has to happen
Every relationship has its ups and downs, ofcourse we know that. But sometimes enough is enough because the truth is, there are always limits to everything. Breakups are never a good thing because two people who spent so much time together, who were probably looking to having a lasting love that would be forever perhaps never saw the time when they would just have to break up. However, when is it necessary to even think of a break up? Well heres some good advice for you, break up only for the right reasons. This article is for people who are dating.Good reasons to break-up
1. Abuse; Somebody who abuses you in word or in deeds without showing any signs of wanting to change is not the right person for you. Relationships should be a time to be happy but if the person you are with is using abusive speech or verbally abusing you, if you ever got Married do you think he/she would change? Highly unlikely.2. Cheating; Somebody who cheats on you, certainly doesn't take the relationship seriously enough to make you the only person in their lives. Whats worse, think of the emotional and psychological damage that the whole thing can have especially on you. Heres some good advice for you, breaking up could actually be good for you.
3. Bad influence; If the person you are dating is making you do bad things which you clearly know is totally wrong, why be around them? In my opinion you would just get into more trouble, you have to make a decision and just break it off.
4. The way you feel; If you are not willing to commit to the person you are dating because of reasons best known to yourself. Do him/her a big favor and dont waste any of their time, just break it off. It is much more damaging if in Marriage, your spouse notices that you don't really love them.
Getting over a break-up
Sometimes a break up is actually a good thing because you get to avoid certain situations in life that would have further complicated your life. Getting over a break up may not be easy and people react differently to different situations. But heres some good advice for you, getting over a break up will require you to heal and also learn from the experiences you had faced.As you break up, don't try to focus on the negative side of things but you can also learn to find some of the positive things that may have come out of the break up. Doing so will help you heal quickly and forget what may have happened. Heres some good advice for you, you can move on to the next level.
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