Sunday, 10 November 2013

Things you can learn from past relationships

Life is filled with lessons

Whether a person has dated many times or a few times or not at all, there are valuable lessons that anyone can learn from past relationships. Some of these lessons could actually affect what kind of future decisions you decide to make and what kind of person you become. Do you really want to know? well heres some good advice for you, read on!!

5 lessons you can learn

1. Things are not always what it seems; Sometimes we fall in love with somebody thinking at the back of our minds that they are something like this or something like that. However, after getting to really know a person you soon realize that they are not really what you expected. Heres some good advice for you, it can happen all the time. Take some time to know somebodys character before actually choosing them for a relationship.

2. Communication is important; Everybody knows how vital it is for two people to communicate almost everyday. You see, lessons from the past have shown that once communication subsides, then two people may grow apart and run the risk of losing each other. It is very important to keep the communication strong.

3. Having a third person can complicate things; When two people are dating, lessons from the past have shown that if you bring in the third person of the opposite sex, that can really complicate things. You see, it is very important that you never jeopardize your relationship by seeing someone else or by spending more than the usual time with someone other than your love. Well, lessons from the past have shown that can only lead to disaster. Heres some good advice for you, do the right thing.

4. Trust builds; When two people are dating, trust can really play a vital role in instilling a secure environment between the couple. Most people who easily get jealous or are suspicious about the other person are just not secure enough. It could be also, they dont trust each other. Heres some good advice for you, it is important to have trust.

5. Rushing too quickly isnt always good; There is always need to give each other sufficient time to really get to know each other before you make important decisions of what you want to do with your lives. Take some time to really ask each other important questions so that both of you actually know what you both want. Heres some good advice for you, that can really be an important move for the both of you.

Making a relationship last

Relationships these days are breaking up alot and whichever way you look at it, sometimes its easy to know why. You see, to make a relationship last two people who are dating have to commit to each other. This thing of seeing different people all at the same time never really works and only ends things on a horrible note. Heres some good advice for you, commit, commit and commit. All the best!!


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