Friday, 8 November 2013

How to End the Relationship

Quit Awkward but Maybe necessary

Life as we know it today is just filled with supprises. Just when you thought things would be perfect, then reality comes knocking on your door. However, when it comes to the world of relationships, sometimes there are no suprises. You see, the whole point you need to remember is, sometimes you have to take action. Well, when is the best to time to end a relationship and how should you do it? Heres some good advice for you, Read on!!

When to end it in the first place

1. Abuse; If you are dating, the best time to end a relationship is when you are being verbally, physically or mentally abused almost all the time. You see, if you are going to spend the rest of your lives together one day you need to respect each others feelings and not ruin them. Heres some good advice for you, you may look back and be proud of what you did.

2. When he influences you to do wrong; If the person you are dating is always trying to get you to do things that are clearly wrong and that you know very well will only lead to trouble and more problems, if after repeated reminders he/she doesn't may have to end it.

3. If they are seeing someone else secretly; If the person you are dating is secretly seeing someone else and you just happen to find out somehow, then thats a valid reason to end it. Ofcourse, if he/she is willing to change there isnt any harm in giving the person a second chance. Heres some good advice for you, the choice is yours.

How to end it

You have a choice to end a relationship or to give it a second chance. But lets just say you have decided to end it, how should you do it. Well, you just need to find an appropriate time to tell them openly that you are no longer interested and also give them the reasons for that. If the person was cheating on you, it is ofcourse obvious that you want to break up because of their cheating.

But how do you end a relationship you know you love but know deep inside that if you were to continue with it, it would only lead to sad consequences. Well, in the first place you have to put yourself together and take a deep breath. You need to know the person very well to know exactly how they will react when they hear the news. If they will overeat towards you, then you have to find a proper way to tell them without them getting very angry or feeling horribly sad. The thing is, they need to know.

One way of ending a relationship successfully is to seat down together and start the conversation by commending them on some of the good qualities they have which you appreciate. However, afterwards, explain to them that you feel that the relationship can't continue. Afterwards, you can also explain why. If the person persists, just tell them it is over and that you are not ready to continue. You must be firm but yet not harsh at all. Heres some good advice for you, try to consider the feeling of the other person when doing it.

When all is said and done, you will soon realize how painful it is to end the relationship but if the reason is very valid you should remember that it might be one of your best decisions you have ever made in your life. Heres some good advice for you, do the right thing today. All the best.


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